Your health and the health of your precious baby is our goal
Our Services
Beginning prenatal care early for low and high risk pregnancies is necessary to ensure obstetric health and success. Frequent visits with lab and ultrasound screening for potential problems will help ensure a healthy mom and baby.
Prenatal Care
Getting prenatal care as soon as possible is important. Calculating your due date and scheduling regular visits will help us make sure all is going well and give us opportunities to pick up any problems. Education and close follow up is key.
Labs and Ultrasounds
From early in the first trimester lab testing and ultrasounds are used to establish the health of your pregnancy and screen for potential problems.
High Risk Pregnancy
There are some conditions that place a pregnancy at an increase risk of complications. Patients with these high risk conditions should be followed more closely with lab testing, ultrasounds and fetal monitoring.
Antenatal Testing
With most pregnancies monitoring the health of the baby is necessary to reassure ourselves that everything is well or pick up problems that may be affecting the baby. Here are the commonly ordered tests to expect during prenatal care.
Labor and Delivery
Throughout your pregnancy we want to get you ready for your labor and delivery. This is an exciting time and you should prepare with hopeful anticipation.
Success Coach
You will have many questions during your pregnancy. When symptoms arise many go to online sources for false, and sometimes scary, information. Our Success Coach will periodically visit with you and call to educate you and dispel your fears.